Sometimes, a queen has to go for the king to survive. In both chess and life, decisions are inevitable. Each decision, without exception, demands a sacrifice. The outcome is rarely certain, yet a sacrifice is often the only option. It is a skill that must be honed, for it is the act of giving up something cherished in the hope of a better future. This is the essence of sacrifice.
Part one. The philosophy of sacrifice.
Life’s chaos. Life will throw everything it has at you. You will have to pass life’s tests. There will be times when decisions have to be made, decisions you don’t want to make. There are no excuses; life will not be waiting. Hesitate or move on quickly. Sacrifice is always at the center of life. Think of the efforts parents make for their offspring. Of course, one can leave things exactly as they are. Every decision is a trade-off. Often, venturing into the unknown, hoping for an improvement, is the preferable choice, despite the fear and struggle. What needs to go for one to move on?
The indomitable spirit. There’s something sublime about sacrifices. They bring presence with an undeniable sense of purpose. Looking at the chessboard and making the best move is tactical mastery. Sometimes, the best possible move requires giving up something one values. There’s a risk component to it. Sometimes, God is merciful, and that’s when reality defeats insurmountable odds.
Levels of sacrifice. I know my mother's sacrifices for me, such as moving to another country with two small children. The rest is not meant for the public. She may have enjoyed staying there with her friends, family, language, and culture, but my sister and I were her priorities. Her efforts are exceptional, no matter how many people I get to know. Parental sacrifice is a prime example of delaying gratification and a testament to the symphony of selflessness, faith for the future, and boundless love. Most people couldn’t do it. They struggle to give up their nights out, social media, and unhealthy food.
I believe the skill of making difficult decisions can and should be practiced. Sacrificing music is a great place to practice.
What to sacrifice? Simple. Sacrifice your hedonism. The biggest progress will be made when you sacrifice what you find holiest. ----- I have no bad habits or excessive comfort; I have sacrificed them already. I don’t consume sweets, touch warm water, sleep late, entertain myself, I barely use the internet, and neither do I spend time with degenerates. ----- One unessential pleasure remains. I can’t work without music. I enjoy listening to music perhaps even more than most. That’s what I must sacrifice.
Part two. On sacrificing music.
Why is music the perfect pleasure to abstain from?
Risk-free. Sacrifice is often very painful next to being uncertain and abundant in risk and consequence. Not listening to music for thirty days is a very low level in comparison. It has risk nor consequence. It prepares your mind nonetheless.
Reset your baseline. What’s music? Pleasure. Pleasure declines over time because the minds adapt. As a result, you crave more music; you get addicted. Music was something special, reserved for churches, special events, and royalty. Now, music is everywhere. To make music pleasurable, listen less to it.
Maybe you’re more productive without it. Some music makes you see the sublime while working. Certain music is proven to enhance productivity and focus. Yet, most people listen to draining music, such as rap or hip-hop. Why is it draining? Listening for prolonged periods causes a sensory overflow. Sacrifice to reset your stimulation baseline and move towards better music.
Hard work becomes deep meditation. Everything will seem dull and monotone without music. That’s fantastic. You need to learn that not everything can be fun and stimulating. Work is allowed to be tedious and arduous. Finding joy where none can be seen is imperative for a great life.
Deep reflection. Sword or word? I know the power of words, and I have never underestimated the power of the mind. The fact that I say it makes it true – when I wake up and believe I'm strong, I will train harder. Every word carries energy. Hence, it does not make sense to listen to downgrading music. You may not register the lyrics, yet their influence stays. Why allow people with zero interest in your well-being, the enemy, to penetrate your mind? Why let hostile ideals, degenerate words, and draining emotions break your Zen? The Christian mothers were right. Most of the music one consumes is from the devil himself. You need to fortify your mind.
On harmony. Yin and yang, black and white. Ever changing, ever-evolving. Silence and music are in a harmonious interplay. If you refuse to establish harmony, the universe will force you to. Such is the way of life.
On being essential. Only very few things matter in life; health, love, money, and purpose. Doing less but better will bring you more. Thus, leaving things behind accelerates. - The most elegant words are short.
No sacrifice is too big. Demonstrate to God your willingness to sacrifice pleasure. Prove your desire to experience the world without excessive pleasure. This is an opportunity to practice your determination and willpower. Do you want an extraordinary life? – Start laying bricks for your cathedral today.
I challenge you to sacrifice music for thirty days.
Part three. A year later.
June 21, 2024. I planned to sacrifice music for thirty days in June of 2023. After I was in enough pain from rejection and burnout and many failures in my strivings, I broke my expectations and didn’t listen to music for three months. As a result, the summer of 2023 was phenomenal. After roughly ten days of burnout in June, I got a new camera and took many great photos over the summer. I went on a two-week trip to Barcelona. I managed two programming internships simultaneously. I wrote many texts almost every day. This period was also athletic. I spend at least two hours in the sun daily. I also created a few videos on my channel. I read many books. One day, I solved 10.000 math tasks in 11 hours to demonstrate the superiority of my apps. I worked on my apps and won a business competition. The summer ended with multiple ad campaigns, ending my software endeavors. I had to start a new chapter. Do you see how this sacrifice enabled other sacrifices for a better future?
In the months later, I had multiple periods where I didn’t listen to music for a few days. I noticed how cathartic, rejuvenating, and calming that sacrifice always proved. There’s something sublime about deep silence.
Two little tips. Firstly, don’t be weird. When there’s music in your friend’s car, enjoy it. Secondly, listen to your childhood to transition smoothly. In my early childhood, a garden was a haven filled with the ambiance of owls and cuckoo birds. But back in the city, there was a ticking clock and a fridge with its characteristic subtle humming motor, a constant reminder of the bustling world outside, yet at the peace and security of one's home. The clock ticked all night, permanently, and the watch hands moved in a flowing symphony. Thus, without my will, a ticking clock brings me in a flow, a nostalgic echo of the tranquility I once knew.
This is just the beginning. The mental exercise of sacrificing music will have unforeseen consequences. Each mastered step unlocks greater challenges. I will encounter decisions whose significance I can’t comprehend just yet. Letting go of a queen may be necessary to survive as the king.
For the perfect song,
some notes have to go.
That’s sacrifice.